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Welcome to the official Society of the Mechanical Engineering degree at the University of Bristol!

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We have regular socials of various kinds for our members. Be it pub quizzes, club nights or a group meal, there's a social for everyone! 

Join our family scheme to make new friends, get advice form your seniors and make the most of your time at uni! 

Engineering Projects

We organise regular engineering projects and events to help our members get a more hands on approach to uni! 

This year itself we have our Scrapheap Challenge and free Raspberry Pi/Arduino borrowing scheme for members. 

Industrial Talks/Visits

We organise visits to engineering companies like BMW MINI to help our members learn from their projects and gain information about professional development.  We have also hosted industry experts like Jaguar Land Rover to talk to our members about their cutting edge work that is ongoing.



 We aim to:


  • Provide interesting talks from industry and an opportunity to network with companies.

  • Offer a comprehensive family scheme; giving students from all years the opportunity to socialise together as well as providing pastoral support for each other.

  • Organise off-campus trips and on-campus challenges such as the  Scrap-Heap Challenge last year.

  • Give students an opportunity to meet others across the University in joint society events.

  • Offer a comprehensive family scheme, giving students from all years the opportunity to socialise together as well as providing pastoral support for each other.

  • Provide a forum to discuss questions or issues relating to your degree.

  • Provide members an opportunity to borrow Arduinos and Raspberry Pis to play and learn to code with.


Established in 2012, we are a young society with a rapidly growing membership. We welcome anyone into the society, not just Mechanical Engineering students! If you have an interest in engineering, join today!






Please use the inquiry form below to contact us or provide us with feedback.

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Head Office

Queen's Building, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR



The Committee

Co-Presidents :             Isabelle Ormerod

                                     Shrey Jain

Secretary :                    Steven Callen

Treasurer :                     Robbie Meikle

Sponsorship Officer :    Rachel Oliver

Marketing Officer :       Susan Hart

Networking Officer :    Grace Tribe

Social Secretaries :       Dante Tejuoso

                                     Neal Patel

Formal Secretary :        Shasank Loharuka


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